14×7 5mm Maple Snare – Gold Sparkle Gloss

$999.00 $699.00

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We’re so happy to be able to offer a really clear sonic difference between our ply snare drum sounds… and it comes down to thickness… simple.

The 14×7 5mm maple shell has an extremely wide tuning range within our suspension system. Being a thinner construction, lower tuning frequencies vibrate easily to create warm notes full of snare sensitivity. Combining with our phosphor bronze wires, this shell type delivers a drum sound/feel that is wide, funky and addictive!

Mid tuning puts you into solid backbeat mode with ease, as the 7″ depth really fills the space.

The thin shell also loves more tension up to high tuning. Snare sensitivity is all there and the drum cracks up high – bright and cutting, backed by it’s depth.

The versatility of this drum can not be overstated. It will do the business in any situation.


  • 14×7 Maple ply
  • 5mm thickness
  • Gold sparkle, gloss lacquer finish
  • Chrome Sleishman Suspension System
  • Chrome 2.3 Triple Flange Hoops
  • 20 strand phosphor bronze wires
  • Remo Drum Heads –  CS dot coated batter. Ambassador hazy resonant snare.


SKU: CB1475GSCR Category: