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We have a bunch of staff at Sleishman Drum Co. all who play drums regularly to keep us active in the world of drumming. Creating, Crafting and keeping up with what is an always changing industry is part of what we do.
We also make world class drums!!
As crazy as they all are, here is the some of the Sleishman Team.

David Sleishman
Dave (Dons Son) is the Director of Sleishman Drum Co. Following in his fathers footsteps, Dave took what his dad had created and expanded it to what Sleishman is today. Helping develop and create the Twin Pedal and Sleishman Free-Floating System to the Pro Series we see today Dave is always thinking of new ideas and new ways to keep Sleishman Drum Co. one step ahead of the game!

Louis Rosin
Louis is the man who heads up our hand assembly at the factory in Sydney. Dedicated to making sure our drums are flawless, Lou always has his hands on the drums. Lou knows our shell and systems inside out and never misses a thing. A stickler for detail he never lets a kit go out without triple checking it. You can see Louis’s signature on the inside of most of our Pro Series Drums!

Adz McCann
Adz started as a Sleishman player, he was then taken on to set up our new website, once he finished the website at Sleishman he just wouldn’t leave!! Coming from a music sales background and with a bunch of cool ideas we figured we would let him stay!! Also a profession player Adz keeps us up-to-date with new ideas for the working drummer!!!

Michael Turner
Sleishman USA
Michael met Don Sleishman in 1993 while on tour with his band in Sydney. It’s a gross understatement to say the design and sounds of what Don was doing even back then completely blew him away.Twenty-plus years on, Michael has moved to the USA and based himself in Nashville, TN and now oversees the USA assembly and launching of Sleishman drums to North America. In the USA, the passion and innovation will continue into the future….. because “these drums are the future of drums.”